10 Gossip knowledge of Economics

1. The teacher of Alexander the Great, who was invincible and attacked, was Aristotle, and Aristotle’s teacher was Plato. Plato promoted his teacher Socratic philosophy. 2. Plato argued that private property should not be owned, and children should be raised by adults (⊙x⊙;) 3. The earliest coin appeared in the Kingdom of Lydia (part of today's Turkey) in the 6th century BC. It was a gold and silver alloy coin. 4. The first commercial empire in ancient times was Venice. 5. The "merchants" who believe that only gold and silver are wealth actually connect the two eras of the "Medieval" and the "Industrial Age". 6. Marx predicted the end of capitalism in 1848, but it is still today. . . 7. From an economic tuition perspective, the First World War broke out because the European powers had too much money in their homes, and each needed to seek wealth growth overseas. At that time, overseas colonisation was proven to be effective wealth...