
Showing posts from February, 2021

The 7 Best Countries to Live in The World

  Developed countries that offer their inhabitants in addition to beautiful  architecture, different employment opportunities, security, high levels of education, economic growth, without conflicts and with low levels of poverty are part of this list.   According to the Human Development Index (HDI), prepared by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), which measure the social and economic development of each country , they show social indicators measured from the perspective of health, education, and income, which evaluate the development of a country in different social aspects.   Then Metrocuadrado compiles this list made by the United Nations Organization and reveals the seven best countries in the world to live in.   1. NORWAY   It is a monarchical state in Europe, which together with Sweden make up the Scandinavian peninsula; Since the Second World War, this country has had rapid economic growth, making it one of the ...

How to Teach Economics to our Children?

Within the education we give our children, teaching economics is one of the pending subjects in most cases. Teaching how economic relationships work, the concept of income and expenditure, the value of things or the concept of money and its use is not easy to transmit or even learn. To face the teaching of the functioning of the economy in our children, we must follow some basic criteria and a series of rules so that they know how society works and the economic relations between individuals. Here are the first three rules to teach economics to our children and that they know-how to value what they have. The Exchange of Goods and Services, the First Lesson Determining the appropriate age to start economic education is complicated, since each child shows a different capacity for reasoning and learning throughout his life. In any case, the first concept we should teach a child is how bartering and the rudiments of trade work. This teaching is practically an innate teaching since on many o...


  The economists state advises the government and parliament on issues such as taxation, housing benefits, financing of local government, public health, and criminal justice. They apply their knowledge of economic policies. They conduct research on economic phenomena, such as inflation, income distribution, capital investment, etc. For example, economists study concrete proposals, such as plans to increase spending on housing, and use their results to advise ministers on eventual costs, the expected impact of current trends, and their implications for other areas of the budget. State economists analyze national spending, as well as spending on health, and defense benefits and budgets, and recommend making investments or cuts in particular areas. They also investigate the difference in values between payments inside and outside the country (the balance of payments), assessing the strength of the export market. The economy deals only with money - which has to do with all kin...

5 Tips That Will Help You Improve Your Personal Economy

  As entrepreneurs we must fulfill various tasks, be aware of all work situations, daily, news, news, etc., and not say, this is our personal life. An entrepreneur must be multifunctional, you almost never have a break and more when you are starting your business. It is very common that at At this point we are drawing from our personal account to build the future of the company we are creating, although our pocket is financing such a long-awaited project we must have clean management of our personal finances. Today we want to introduce you to 7 tips that will surely help you to ensure your personal finances and that you do not drown in debt, stress and that everything comes to you abandoning responsibilities at home. 1) EDUCATE YOURSELF You should start learning about personal finance, create more knowledge about this topic, this is the best way to create confidence to correctly manage your money and have a deposit that will get you out of trouble. 2) CHECK YOUR CREDIT ST...

Family economy

  “Wherever you live in the world, we urge you to assess your financial situation to prepare for adversity. We urge you to be moderate in your expenses and to exercise discipline in your purchases in order to avoid debt ... If you have already paid your debts and have an economic tuition reserve, no matter how small, you and your family will feel more secure and enjoy of greater peace in his heart” (Prepare everything that is necessary: Family finances).   Every family has the responsibility to provide what is necessary for their own needs to the extent possible. The responsibility for managing the family finances should be shared between husband and wife with an attitude of trust and frankness. Managing finances wisely can provide security and promote family well-being. Members may experience financial problems due to unemployment, overspending, unexpected emergencies, or poor financial management. Paying a full tithe, living within means, saving for unforeseen expenses,...